Open Research Lab and Summer Research Lab alumni publish articles, book chapters, and monographs that help to shape the field of Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies. Take a look at these 2021 publications that have resulted from research conducted at the Research Labs:
Barbara C. Allen
Barbara C. Allen, editor and translator. The Workers’ Opposition in the Russian Communist Party: Documents, 1919-30. xvi+944 pp. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill Academic Publishers, September 30, 2021. E-book ISBN: 978-90-04-24851-9. Cloth ISBN: 978-90-04-24850-2.
Cadra McDaniel
McDaniel, Cadra Peterson. "Isaak Levitan's Enduring Appeal and Russian National Identity, 1891-Present." The Historian, 2021, 83 no. 3: 323-355. DOI: 10.1080/00182370.2021.1999049
Charles Steinwedel
Steinwedel, Charles. “Sugar as a ‘Basic Necessity’: State Efforts to Supply the Russian Empire's Population in the Early Twentieth Century,” in Matthew Romaniello, Alison
Smith, and Trish Starks, eds., The Life Cycle of Russian Things: From Fish Guts to Faberge, 1600 to the Present (London and New York: Bloomsbury, 2021).
Dovile Budryte
“Gender, War, and Remembrance: ‘Points of Memory’ in the Narratives of Women Participants in the Partisan War in Lithuania” (in Lithuanian), Lietuvos Etnologija, 32 (30), 2021, pp. 127-48.
Edward Holland
Churyumova, E., & Holland, E. C. Kalmyk DPs and the Narration of Displacement in Post-World War II Europe. Slavic Review, 2021, 80(2), 341-362.
Elena Tracy
F. Cheremeteff, E. Schvarts, E. Simonov, G. Broekhoven, E. Tracy, E. Khmeleva. “The Belt and Road Initiative in North Eurasia: Changing Geographies and the UNECE Multilateral Environmental Agreements.” Geography, Environment, Sustainability. (2021), 14(3): 94-109. Open access, available at
Elena F. Tracy and Tamara Troyakova. "Primordial Rites or Civic Values? Korean Identity and its Identity in the Russian Far East." in Christoffersen, Gaya , Russia in the Indo-Pacific: New Approaches to Russian Foreign Policy. Routledge Press, 2021.
Erika Mohanan
“Binding Siberia: Semen Remezov’s Khorograficheskaia kniga in Time and Through Time,” in The Life Cycle of Russian Things: From Fish Guts to Fabergé, 1600 to Present, edited by Tricia Starks, Alison Smith, and Matthew Romaniello (NY: Bloomsbury, 2021), pp. 171–90.
Erin Hofmann
Hofmann, Erin Trouth and Guangqing Chi. “Bride Kidnapping and Gendered Labor Migration: Evidence from Kyrgyzstan.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2021.
Erley Mieka
Erley, Mieka. On Russian Soil : Myth and Materiality. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, (2021).
Eugene Clay
“Folklore and Conspiracy Theories of a COVID Dissenter: The Life and Sermons of Father Sergii (Romanov)”. FOLKLORICA - Journal of the Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Folklore Association 24 (July 2020):135-62.
Frederica Cristani
Federica Cristani. How the Coronavirus Crisis Challenges International Investment (Customary) Law Rules: Which Role for the Necessity Defense?, 53 Case W. Res. J. Int'l L. 89 (2021), available at:
“Economic cyber-espionage in the (post-)COVID-19 era in Europe: which (new) challenges?”, in Матеріали. ХІ Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції Сучасне Право В Епоху Соціальних Змін. Том ІІ / Proceedings. XІ International Scientific Conference on Modern law in the era of social transformation. Volume II, published by the National Aviation University, Kiev, Ukraine (Видавництво Вектор), 2021, 39-41, available at…
Ivan Ulises Kentros Klyszcz
Sergey Arteev & Ivan Ulises Kentros Klyszcz. "From Decentralization to Coordination: The Evolution of Russian Paradiplomacy (1991 – 2021)", Problems of Post-Communism, DOI: 10.1080/10758216.2021.2009350. (2021).
Ivan U. Klyszcz, "Russia and the Taliban takeover", Recherches & Documents n°17/2021, Fondation pour la Recherche Strategique.…;
Ivo Strahilov
Strahilov, Ivo. National pride: Negotiating heritage, gender, and belonging in times of illiberal ethnonationalism in Bulgaria, Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics, 2021, 7 (4): 13–31. doi: 10.17356/ieejsp.v7i4.826.
Strahilov, Ivo. Constructing Heritage, Negotiating Europeanness: Three Bulgarian Exhibitions of Thracian Legacy in Paris. In: Yordan Lyutskanov, Benedikts Kalnačs, and Gaga Shurgaia (eds.) Series Minor, XCII: Heteroeuropeanisations: (In)capacity to Stay Marginal. Napoli: UniorPress, 2021, 279–315.
Strahilov, Ivo. Трако-римски сюжети от съвременна България: (пре)договаряне на античното наследство в историческите възстановки, Българска етнология [Thraco–Roman Stories in Contemporary Bulgaria: (Re)negotiating Antiquity through Historical Reenactments, Bulgarian Ethnology], 2021. 3: 339–359.
Strahilov, Ivo. Между „тракийския субстрат“ и „ориенталските наслоявания“: кукерите и канонът на националното наследство, Семинар_BG [Between the “Thracian Substratum” and the “Oriental Add-Ons”: Bulgarian Mummers and the National Heritage Canon, Seminar_BG], 20. 2021. URL:….
Jan Surer
Malakhov, Vladimir, and Denis Letnyakov. "Post-Christian or Post-Atheistic Society? Some Characteristics of the Russian Regime of Secularity." State, Religion and Church, 8 (2): 52-68, translated by Jan Surer. 2021.
Ostrovskaya, Elena. "Media Practices of Russian-Speaking Orthodox Jews: Women's Groups and Rabbis' Blogs on Facebook and Instagram." State, Religion and Church, 8 (1): 44-69, translated by Jan Surer. 2021
Katherine Bowers
Bowers, Katherine. “Ghost Writers: Radcliffiana and the Russian Gothic Wave.” Victorian Popular Fictions, 2021, 3.2: 153-179. ISSN: 2632-4253 (online) DOI:
Larry Holmes
Holmes, Larry. Revising the Revolution: The Unmaking of Russia’s Official History of 1917 (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2021)
Margarita Vaysman
Margarita Vaysman Spring. 'A Woman's Lot: Realism and Gendered Narration in Russian Women's Writing of the 1860s', The Russian Review 80.2, 2021, 229-245
Margarita Vaysman, Self-Conscious Realism: Metafiction and the Nineteenth-Century Russian Novel (Cambridge: Legenda, 2021)
Maryna Nading
Nading, Maryna. “’Medicine Is Not Business, Health Is Not a Commodity, Physicians Are Not Salesmen!’ Clinical Labor and Ukraine’s Health Reform.” Anthropology of Work Review, 2021, 42(2): 93-107.
Melissa Miller
Miller, Melissa & Starikov, Konstantin. The Russian Medical Humanities: Past, Present and Future. Lexington Books, 2021.
Miller, Melissa. “Narrative Medicine in Chekhov and Bulgakov.” The Russian Medical Humanities: Past, Present and Future. Lexington Books, 2021.
Nao Gur-Arie
Nao, Gur-Arie. “From Wahhabism to Islamic Extremism: Russia Confronting Islamism in Conflicts at Home & Abroad,” Pathways to Peace & Security. (Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences, 2021).
Russel Martin
Martin, Russel. “The Ways of the Tsar’s Scriptorium: Text and Revision in the Planned (and Cancelled) Wedding of Tsar Aleksei Mikhailovich and Evfimiia Vsevolozhskaia (1647),” in Chelovek arkhivnyi: Sbornik statei k semidesiatiletiiu Iuriia Moiseevicha Eskina i 42-letiiu ego arkhivnoi deiatel’nosti (Moscow: Drevlekhranilishche, 2021), 183–204.
Martin, Russel. "‘Whomsoever He Wishes As His Successor’: Paul Bushkovitch on Succession and Absolutism in Early Modern Russia,” Russian History 48, no. 2 (2021): 211–29.
Scott Kentworthy
Kenworthy, Scott and Agadjanian, Alexander. Understanding World Christianity: Russia (Fortress Press, 2021).