The Illinois Global Institute is pleased to announce the IGI Summer 2024 Global Educators Workshop. This workshop features two days of round-table discussions and keynote addresses focused on the theme of “Critical Thinking in the Technological World.” Educators from across the globe are invited to engage in dynamic discussions, exploring the intersection of critical thinking and technology in today’s educational landscape.
Join us for a series of illuminating sessions designed to deepen your understanding of how critical thinking skills can be cultivated in and beyond the classroom amidst the rapid advancement of the technological era. From insightful keynote presentations to interactive roundtables, participants will gain invaluable insights and practical strategies to empower their students to navigate the complexities of the modern world.
This virtual experience is open to K-12 educators worldwide. Moreover, Illinois K-12 educators are eligible to earn up to 5 ISBE Professional Development Hours (PDH). Additionally, all participants who attend at least four hours, as recorded by Zoom data, will receive an electronic certificate of attendance.
IGI Summer 2024 Virtual Global Educators Workshop
Critical Thinking in the Technological World
July 17 -18 I 9:30 AM -12 PM CDT I Zoom (Register here)
DAY 1 (7/17/2024) AI and Plagiarism/ 9:30AM Keynote Speaker 10:10AM Keynote Speaker 11AM Roundtable Discussion |
DAY 2 (7/18/2024) Teaching Controversial Issues in an 9:30AM Keynote Speaker 10:30AM Keynote Speaker 11:15AM Roundtable Discussion
The IGI Summer 2024 Virtual Global Educators Workshop is made possible through the generous support of the Illinois Global Institute and its affiliated centers, including the Center for African Studies, Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies, Center for Global Studies, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, European Union Center, Lemann Center for Brazilian Studies, Russian, East European, and Eurasian Center, and Women & Gender in Global Perspectives.